Thursday, October 6, 2011

Introducing Ozzy

Finally after years of wanting an African Grey Parrot I finally found Ozzy. I got him Friday night September 30,2011. It is now October 6th and time has flown. There have been so many changes so fast with Ozzy that I decided a blog would be the best place for me to document our life as we get used to each other.

I will recap our few short days with him and then I will hopefully blog regularly.

When I got him it was a 3 hour drive to bring him home and on the drive home I never heard much out of him. At one point a motorcycle wizzed by and he perked right up and wanted to see. He made 2 sounds on the way home and that was it.

When I got home my 12 year old son Andrew came out and opened the door and Ozzy instantly made few noises.

As per the advise of the lady I got him from we put him in his cage and did not let him out until Sunday morning.

We talked and visited with him off and on through Saturday but never opened his cage.

Saturday night I had placed his bag of food on the floor by his cage and that we were watching tv and my hubby said hey look at Ozzzy and there was his door swinging open and quick as could be he was on the floor and trying to get the food out of the bag. He stepped right up and went to his cage. We made sure it was locked god after that.

The next morning we let him out. We just left the door open and he came right out. He kept getting on the floor and likes to chase toes around.

He has said a lot of things we aren't sure of yet. He is 15 months old.

He says


Hello Ozzy

Come Here

Come over Here

I love you


and he seems to be calling a dog.

I will try to update regularly as I want a record of his adjustments to a new home and new people. We love watching and hearing him.